UN-HABITAT introduced (free) online course on Urban Climate Resilience
UN-HABITAT introduced an online course on ‘Building urban climate resilience through Ecosystem-based Adaptation’.

This new (free) online course introduces participants to the concept of Ecosystem-based Adaptation, and guides them in the planning and implementation of Ecosystem-based Adaptation projects. Most importantly, the course aims to assist stakeholders in implementing local climate action for their city, contributing then to achieving the global Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).
The course is intended for local and national government staff, and local stakeholders working with urban development, including NGOs, CBOs, the private sector, as well as employees in the United Nations and other international organizations, as well as anyone who wants to find out more about Ecosystem-based Adaptation at the local level.
The course is comprised of 9 modules. Each module takes 10-20 minutes to complete. The full course takes about 2 hours to complete.
Each module consists of interactive learning content, videos, knowledge checks, downloadable material, and a quiz. There is also a discussion forum in which participants can share their thoughts and experiences, and engage with fellow course participants.
An official UN-Habitat certificate as well as a digital badge are awarded upon successful completion of the course.
Learn more: https://learn.urbanagendaplatform.org/enrol/index.php?id=42