UKIM’s Ema Vasileska awarded for the best Industrial Challenge project of the Summer School 2021 of EIT Manufacturing Doctoral School
Ema Vasileska from PROMETHEUS partner Ss. Cyril and Methodius University participated in Summer School 2021 of EIT Manufacturing Doctoral School and along with her team was later awarded for the best Industrial Challenge project, under InchWorm’s Challenge Hackathon.
The awarded project proposed a scalable solution to minimize manufacturing costs using Machine Learning in Modular Machining. Ema’s team structured algorithms for opportunistic work process planning → choosing the best machine module comparing their KPIs and optimizing an objective function and finally for planning dynamic tool trajectories in undefined work envelopes.

The EIT Manufacturing Summer School 2021 provides knowledge about the necessary skills, practical know-how, attitudes and values to meet the complex demands found in the industry 4.0 environment with focus on «The way to smart manufacturing».