Regio Waves, a special podcast series produced by the European Commission, discusses about green mobility

Regio Waves is the special podcast series, produced by the European Commission in collaboration with the European Committee of the regions, investigating the policies that provide local solutions to European and global issues.
Regio waves explores the many sides of the EU Cohesion Policy, one of the most concrete and flexible policy in the EU. Guided by journalist Zdenka Trachtova and through the words of experts and officials, Regio Waves sheds light on the EU’s big challenges, from economic disparity, through green and digital transition to the Covid, refugee and energy crises. By listening to this podcast series you can discover the quiet force behind European Integration.
Episode 2, posted on 07/11/2022, focuses on green mobility and cities under the title Green EUtopia VS Energy Crisis.
In this episode, Zdenka Trachtova discusses with Linda Gaasch, Councilwoman for Luxembourg City for the Greens and Member of the Committee of the Regions. According to the episode’s description, citizens and policy-makers need to take a hard look at mobility in the face of Europe’s ongoing efforts to become carbon-neutral. This rings true for most EU cities, where cars have enjoyed decades of unchallenged primacy. The podcast addresses the following questions: What will future cities look like? Will they be greener, more inclusive? Car-less? Can we even afford to dream of future cities, in the middle of the present energy crisis?
The podcast series is available on different streaming platforms, including Spotify, Apple Podcasts, Google Podcasts and Deezer.
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