PROMETHEUS team attended the INNOVEIT Athens, 06.10.2022

On October 6th, the INNOVEIT event in Athens brought together the key stakeholders of the biggest European Innovation Community as a means to advance efforts at making AI Part of the digital, green industry transformation. With the goal of employing digital production and AI to empower stronger and more sustainable European industry, high-level stakeholders from the European Commission, the Greek Government, the European Institute of Innovation and Technology (EIT), a body of the European Union, and EIT Manufacturing, gathered with experts in Athens for a themed discussion part of the InnovEIT Weeks series on innovation and policy in Europe.

The event featured the participation of Dr. Christos Dimas, Deputy Minister of Development and Investments of the Government of the Hellenic Republic, and the discussion on AI included panellists like Dr. Nenad Popović, Minister for Innovation & Technological Development of the Republic of Serbia; Mr. Jürgen Tiedje, Head of Unit, European Commission DG RTD; Ms. Eleonora Marino, Business Development at Prima Additive; and Mr. Gintaras Vilda, CEO Manufacturing Innovation Valley and former Vice-Minister of Economy and Innovation of the Republic of Lithuania.
The InnovEIT series highlights and builds on the work the EIT Community undertakes every day: accelerating innovation by bringing together creative thinkers from industry, academia, research and other sectors and facilitating collaborations to bring their big ideas to life.
INNOVEIT Athens also marked the launch of EIT Manufacturing’s new innovation hub in Athens, Co-Location Center South-East (CLC SE), serving eight countries in South-East Europe: Albania, Bulgaria, Cyprus, Greece, Moldova, North Macedonia, Romania and Turkey. The CLC South-East aims at accelerating cross-national synergies among the different players of the regional manufacturing ecosystems and is already working with several partners towards this scope.

PROMETHEUS team was honoured to be present at the Official Inauguration of EIT Manufacturing‘s Co-Location Center South-East (CLC SE). Valentina Gecevska and Ordan Chukaliev, from Ss. Cyril and Methodius University in Skopje, partner of the PROMETHEUS project, connected with stakeholders from South East Europe and EIT Manufacturing’s representatives giving added value to the PROMETHEUS ecosystem.

Valentina Gecevska and Ordan Chukaliev were proud to see the concrete contribution of our PROMETHEUS HEI stakeholder engagement actions in North Macedonia, Greece and Western Balkans in the field of innovation, digitalization, entrepreneurship, smart and sustainable manufacturing.
PROMETHEUS team is looking forward to working with EIT Manufacturing Hubs and CLC South-East for regional development to transform the manufacturing ecosystems via smartproduction, deeptech and energy efficiency. The actions initiated from our PROMETHEUS Project funded via the EIT HEI Initiative has opened the way to enlarge the highly capable community of EIT – European Institute of Innovation and Technology KICs and we look forward to more synergies.
More members of the PROMETHEUS team also attended the event virtually having the opportunity to be present at the exchange of ideas among leading experts on the potential of AI and Digitalization and learn about policy measures and practical steps needed to drive environmental and social sustainability.

Original Post for INNOVEIT Athens event: