PROMETHEUS kick-off meeting in Athens
PROMETHEUS kick-off meeting took place in Athens (23-25 September), organized by the project leader – University of Aegean, with all eight partners represented by at least one representative on site. 24 people representing universities, institutions and enterprises from 5 European countries aiming to change the way universities innovate and support entrepreneurship, with the support of the European Institute of Innovation and Technology.

Yannis Charalabidis (University of Aegean), the Project Coordinator initiated the meeting, welcoming all participants and providing updates on managerial issues of both the project and the meeting, before triggering a tour de table.

Work Package leaders presented and addressed:
- Contractual Obligations
- Action Plans (Deliverables, Milestones)
- Effort Allocation (Contribution per Partner) per WP
- Needs for inputs from other WPs
- KPIs and optimal actions to reach the targets and even go beyond
Sjoerd de Vries (University of Twente) focused on WP2, regarding Knowledge exchange activities and Internationalisation.
Zoi Lachana (University of the Aegean) presented the plan for Tool launch and population (users, mentors, ideas, etc) and Requirements analysis Questionnaire presentation under WP3 – Preparing and Supporting Entrepreneurs and managerial issues of the project under WP7 – Project Management.
Francesco Bellini (Sapienza University of Rome) focused on WP1 – Student and Staff Engagement and Supportive Infrastructures, presenting the design for tools, such as PROMETHEUS intelligent Assistant and Knowledge Base.

Michael Kornaros (University of Patras) presented the Circular Economy I & E challenge specialization suggested curriculum – taxonomy, MOOC format and connection to PROMETHEUS digital tools, under WP4 – Entrepreneurial Teaching and Learning.

Panagiotis Kinanlis (Crowdpolicy), Dissemination Manager for PROMETHEUS, focused on deliverables already actualized such as the project’s visual identity, website and social media accounts, positive feedback by EIT and actions – input needed by all partners under WP5 – Dissemination and Transferability.

The agenda also included presentations and open – out of the box conversations regarding the project’s vision, knowledge taxonomy, sustainability through the envisioned PROMETHEUS Fund and several WP focused Workshops before the Wrap-Up.