REGIONS2030 – European regional SDG indicators published!
Joint Research Centre (JRC), European Commission’s science and knowledge service, published the “REGIONS2030 – European regional SDG indicators” technical report as part of the REGIONS2030 pilot project. REGIONS2030 is implemented by JRC with the support of the European Parliament, building on existing work done and under the aim to co-design and co-develop an indicator set to monitor the SDG’s at European Regions.

The report presents and discusses the methodological approach for the development of a regional monitoring indicator set for the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) within the framework of the REGIONS2030 project. Thereafter, it presents the methodology and the criteria for the selection. The report also includes the list of indicators that will be the starting point of SDG monitoring for piloting regions of the project. The indicator set is a result of an iterative process that in brief included the identification of sources of indicators (with respective information on their methodology of calculation and other related metadata), the filtering, merging and selection of indicators that were fit for the REGIONS2030 project and the EU regional dimension, and the respective filling in of all related information regarding among others their availability in European countries, coverage, timeliness, alignment with other monitoring frameworks.
Publication of the report recognizes that the availability of a coherent and comprehensive monitoring framework with a related set of indicators like the SDGs is key to designing better place-based policies to be able to foster sustainable development. In addition, it adds to the importance of using timely and accurate data to monitor these indicators in a comparative way, and to evaluate public policies and actions, as the COVID-19 pandemic has shown.
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