Join the EIT Digital “Innovation Factory 2022” to build your deep tech startup!
Are you planning to launch or boost your tech startup? Submit your proposal to the EIT Digital “Innovation Factory 2022” program and receive their support to package your technology, sign up customers and attract investment.

Throughout 2022, EIT Digital is looking for European teams with a powerful entrepreneurial drive to jointly launch or boost early-stage digital deep tech startups. The work programme is guided by the EIT Digital Strategic Innovation Agenda 2022-2024, which identifies five focus areas: Digital Tech, Digital Industry, Digital Cities, Digital Wellbeing and Digital Finance.
Activities will be embedded in EIT Digital’s pan-European ecosystem of over 350 partners from business & industry, research and academia, investment, and the public sector. Engage in the largest European digital innovation ecosystem and benefit from Innovation Factory 2022!
– Continuous intake of proposals throughout 2022 with 3 pre-defined cut-off dates (March 1, June 1 and November 15, 2022).
– Please refer to the Innovation Factory 2022 document for a detailed timeline and selection procedure.
– The next cut-off date is June 7, 2022 at 12:00 CEST (hard deadline, no extension will be granted).
– Please see the Cut-off 2 specific document for details.
– Learn more: register for the next Information Session on April 12, 2022.
– Pitch/team up: register for the next Brokerage Event on April 26 and May 17, 2022.
Planning to launch or boost your deep tech venture? Participate in the EIT Digital Innovation Factory 2022:
– Entrepreneurial proposals by pan-European teams from business, education and research organisations are a focus for the EIT Digital Innovation Factory.
– Venture creation or early-stage venture boost proposals need to be submitted by a team of 2 to 4 complementary organisations embedded in EIT Digital’s ecosystem, from at least 2 different European countries, and ready to collaborate intensively on a joint plan for 6 months.
– Proposals should present a specific technology solution for an important business pain, aligned with our 5 strategic focus areas. A well-identified venture team, launching customers and private investments in the venture are additional ingredients of a strong proposal. Proposals are also requested to contribute to the financial sustainability of EIT Digital.
– Accepted proposals will start immediately after the results of the selection process are published.
– If your proposal is selected, EIT Digital will co-invest in your plan to support you in launching or boosting your venture, packaging your technology, signing up customers and attracting additional investors.
Please read carefully the Innovation Factory 2022 document and the Cut-off 2 specific document available below.
EIT Digital is a partnership organisation. This implies that organisations in the selected proposals are expected to be or become Partner of EIT Digital.
– If your organisation is already a Partner of EIT Digital: please go directly to the EIT Digital Intranet page and its proposal submission system.
– Organisations that are not yet Partners are expected to submit their applications for partnership latest at the moment of submission of the proposal. Please see partnership models for more information about becoming an EIT Digital Partner and provide initial information via the questionnaire for new organisations. This will initiate the Partner application process and put you in contact with the relevant EIT Digital Node. You will receive a Partner ID required to register for access to the EIT Digital Intranet page and its proposal submission system.
Should you need assistance in finding Partners of EIT Digital to collaborate with or have further questions about EIT Digital in general and Innovation Factory 2022 in particular, please contact the relevant Node.
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