MELE (Medical Data - Decentralized Exchange)

One emerging problem during the last decade arises from discovery of new untreatable hitherto diseases. Treatment of rare medical conditions apparently require historical data in respect of facilitating targeted research. However, lack of public awareness and privacy restrictions in healthcare aggravate investigation of potential therapy. Decentralized medical data exchange could achieve fair trade of medical dataset, advocate patients with financial difficulties and crowdsourcing important complications. MELE (Medical Data - Decentralized Exchange) allows clinical practitioners and research institutes to distribute fairly in a scalable way datasets regarding specific disease, academic findings and challenging calls under fees, awards or special license. Connected entities of this network could maintain uploaded media to blockchain in two ways by spending gas bidding service or claiming donations. Once datasets are online, users can organize generous charities, call communities to compete against real life unsolved problems having the option to award some of them. Patients in need of financial aid don’t need various third parties to advertise charities, but in a transparent and easy way may generate profitable savings. Cryptocurrencies have been mature enough to divide and rule in modern developed countries worldwide making even the most sustainable way of evaluating assets. Unlike other options, MELE helps academia to host large competitive prices, host funding opportunities to accelerate research contributions. Besides, patients may contribute by crowdsourcing/trade personal data or ask for financial aid.

Sustainable Development Goals

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Cloud Computing
Data Analytics – Big Data
Innovative Software
Web or Mobile Application
Product Type - System
B2B Services
B2B Products
B2C Products
B2C Services
Medicine and Health
Belongs to a competition
Prometheus International Startup Competition 2022
Thematic Area
Digital Transformation
Category A - Students of a European University