Water Quality Controller

One of the most crucial problems in todays society regards “safe to consume water”! The first thing that comes to mind when we think of the water quality, for the most part, is underdeveloped countries and the problems they tackle. It is widely known that in many regions and even countries such as Greece there are major problems regarding the quality of one of the most vital assets for humans and not only. Water!
This is exactly where we and the Water Quality Controller take part in all of this. This Water Quality Controller refers to some sensors which will be placed inside water tanks in several aqueducts. After the installation process is completed and all sensors are working correctly the controller will receive at regular intervals different information regarding the substances inside the water, with the aim of analyzing and properly informing in case of alternation in various parameters which may be considered hazardous for humans.
The Water Quality Controller does not only consist of materialistic pieces (sensors etc.) but it also contains an application for the users smartphone in which he can monitor the function of the controller and also get updated in real time for any possible problems that might occur.

What is the necessity of this:
• The price of analyzing the water in different regions is quite high, thus making it a problem for the economy.
• In many regions, especially in provinces, it is impossible for the sample to reach the science lab within 3 hours since it was sampled.
• It is crucial that the problem is faced and dealt with immediately.

• The selling and the installation process of the Water Quality Controller.
• The maintenance and the enhancement of hardware and software.

The Team:
Georgios Anagnostopoulos: Hardware, Software developer, Testing, Management, Business Development.
Nikos Al-Baboul: Hardware, Software developer, Testing, Management, Business development.
Dimitris Kousos: Finance, Management, Business development.

Sustainable Development Goals
6. Clean water and sanitation
3. Good health and well-being

Sustainable Development Goals

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