
Are you a heavy sleeper? You set your alarm to wake you up in the morning, but uncontrollably press snooze over and over again? And just like that, you are late for work or school once more. Well, don't worry, you are one of us. We are aware that this problem exists, and also extends thanks to our busy and fast-paced lifestyle. All of the everyday problems we face at work or school cause us stress, fear, and constant overthinking. All of them are leading to having a problem falling asleep and being forced to hit that snooze button just for five more minutes of sleep in the morning.

Being aware of the severity of the problem of waking up on time, we managed to develop an alarm clock in which the snooze option is excluded and will immediately force you to leave your bed and start your day on time. It is called "WakeMeUp" and is in a form of a soft and comfortable rug that is connected to your phone via Bluetooth and a free mobile application. It works on a long-life battery, that needs to be charged only once every two weeks, taking into consideration that you could turn it off when not used. Except for the built-in battery, the rug also has a built-in speaker that reaches up to 120 decibels, which guarantees that you will be awakened in a second. The blasting alarm sound will not stop until pressure is applied to the widespread sensor оn the rug. To be specific, at least 40 kg weight should be applied to the rug, which means you can not fool the alarm to stop by just putting on one leg or by sitting on the bed. You have to get up and stand on the rug for at least five seconds. You can place the rug right next to your bed, but your smart move here is if you place it a little further, so you can be sure that the proximity of the bed will not trick you into going back to sleep. While you wait for the alarm to go off, you can check the time, date, and weather on the digital screen put on the left corner of the rug. After the alarm goes off, you take a deep breath and listen to previously selected music to set the vibe, affirmations, motivational and empowering quotes or even listen to your own voice reminding you of your personal life goals.

As previously stated, the "WakeMeUp" alarm clock will be controlled through a free mobile application that you connect with the rug via Bluetooth. The main purpose of the application is to help you set the alarm to whenever you need to be awakened, totally excluding the snooze and dismiss buttons. But there is more to what the application has to offer. Through the application, you can choose the alarm sound that you would like to wake you up, or even add new ones from your phone. While we are at the sound, you can also choose the sound volume from 80 to 120 decibels. There are also other settings that maybe you would like to change. For example, you can set the length of time that you would like to stand on the rug before the alarm goes off (5-30 seconds). The application will let you choose the following morning's motivational quotes as well. It even allows you to record yourself and choose that recording as your morning guide. Another incredible feature of the application is that there is a forum area (for which you need Wi-Fi), where people that use the smart rug leave reviews, post about their satisfaction with the product, leave comments and share their experiences. The function of this forum will give people another way of communicating about their sleeping problems, how they overcame them and what advice would they give to others.

Primarily, the start-up business will take over the Macedonian market, setting the business root in the capital city Skopje, taking over our target group of young and adult heavy sleepers. We expect to also conquer the market of our neighboring countries in at least a year or two. The production of the smart rugs will begin at the end of 2023, considering that we need time for designing and developing the mobile application. In the beginning, the product will be sold in a few stores located in a few Macedonian cities and also through the original website (online shopping). The best thing about our team is that we are highly aware of the sleeping problems, struggle to get out of bed, and the toxicity of hitting the snooze button on your alarm. As a matter of fact, we are one of those heavy sleepers. That is why we truly placed our minds on the development of this idea so that the problem is solved. Although we are new to the business, our team is highly educated in the mechanical and electrical engineering field and is making everyday progress in the business and marketing courses.

The "WakeMeUp" rug has many unique features as stated above, but let me tell you where the magic happens. Owning to the results that we got from the examination we made, we concluded the following: using the smart alarm clock every day for a few weeks (2 to 4), will help you form a habit of waking up early and starting your day energized and full of confidence. After these tough few weeks, your body will simply be accustomed to the routine, resulting in better sleep quality and increased productivity. And just like that, you will never be late for work or school again.

Sustainable Development Goals

3. Good Health And Well-Being

The "WakeMeUp" alarm clock contributes to improving the daily well-being of the person using it. Simply using da product for 2-4 weeks, the user starts to form a habit of easily getting out of bed on time and stops fighting the snooze button. This smart alarm motivates the user to start the day with maxed willpower, happier, and ready to face everyday tasks.

9. Industry , innovation and infrastructure

This innovative product will successfully take over the Macedonian clock alarm industry, and with the continuous improvement of our product, we expect our business to extend to many countries abroad.

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Innovative Hardware
Innovative Software
Web or Mobile Application
Product Type - System
B2C Products
Other - specify
Alarm Clock Industry, Life Improvement and Personal Development
Belongs to a competition
Thematic Area