shoot of agricultural development
It is addressed to young farmers, people who have studied and decide to engage in agricultural production or people who want to change the way of cultivation that they have been practicing for years and adapt to the modern data of the time, taking advantage of technology development and systematization of production to increase the value of the product produced.
The main pillar of the company is its staffing with specialized scientific staff such as: agronomist, IT specialist, economist, lawyer, engineer. Together they can work with the farmer having a common goal which is none other than the development of the agricultural enterprise the goodwill of the product and the proper management of resources and the environment.
The services offered are in two directions:
on the one hand the improvement of the cultivation and / or the produced product with services such as:
• Smart farming applications
Installation of sensors for measuring and recording the needs of the soil and the crop itself.
Automation of watering, fertilizing and fruit collection
• ISO production certification
Farmers are often asked to deal with bureaucracy and set up an ISO system without having the slightest idea how to do it. This is why you need constant guidance and support both to obtain the certification seeker and to maintain the brand or even further certification in products and services.
• Certified Biocyclic cultivation
If the farmer wants to pursue biocyclic farming, he should adopt systems that allow the reduction of the environmental footprint while increasing the yield. Also, to use the technology of smart agriculture and to cooperate with institutions of our country that have know-how and funding programs that will help him in his work.
• Agricultural engineering applications
In the light of climate change and the increasingly difficult natural resources to be found, modern irrigation projects should be carried out, such as the construction of underground water tanks, irrigation with surface or underground canals and pipes, scheduling the appropriate days and hours to reduce water losses. and feed so that waste is not wasted and stocks are not thrown away.
• Processing, packaging
The processing and packaging of the products can be done either in collaboration with specialized companies or with a vertical system where the produced product is processed or packaged in a small unit that can be installed on the grower's farm. The company should examine the real needs of the farmer and suggest the solution that suits him.
• Finding investment funds
Money is the driving force behind the growth of any company and finding them either through private equity or taking advantage of subsidy schemes is the big goal of the consulting company we recommend.
and on the other hand, the promotion and distribution services of the product such as:
• Market research and extroversion
Is the produced product in demand in the domestic, local or international markets? Here the company can help find the right buyer or even suggest the conversion of the crop so that the entrepreneur - farmer can target a specific market.
• Promotions, advertising
Advertising the product helps to make it available soon, which is very important given the vulnerability of agricultural products.
• Online sales development
Creating an online store can help boost sales.
• Purchase and sale agreements
Agreements always need to be put under the microscope and analyzed by a legal advisor who can protect against setbacks, default, unjustified product returns and ultimately unused and unused product that ends up in the trash.
• Export procedures, support of tax and health controls and procedures and Logistics
Export processes given the vulnerability of the products and the subsequent need to limit the time between harvest and consumption are very important and knowledge of the required actions is a key factor in the final promotion of the product.
The company will also be able to undertake independent customers-farmers with own production and to negotiate the cumulative product for the benefit of the beneficiaries, thus increasing the audience to which it is addressed, e.g. a farmer who produces quality broccoli and cannot conclude an agreement with a supermarket chain alone because his production is small will be able to conclude the agreement with someone else if their total production is sufficient for the full supply of the food chain.
Sustainable Development Goals

9. Industry , innovation and infrastructure
Particularly we deal with applications of smart agriculture in the crops like using sensors in order to take some measurements concerning the quality of ground(temperature,moisture) alongside we use and some automations so that to maintain the suitable conditions and to have the maximum production. Furthermore apart from this we make promotions and advertising our products and so we participate in the development of online sales, purcase agreements and last but not least in export procedures,tax-health controls and of course in logistics.

12. Responsible Consumption and production
Essentially the company will be able to undertake independent customers-farmers with the same production and will negotiate the camulative product for the benefit of beneficiaries thus increasing the audience to which it is addressed. Well, what i'm trying to say is that a farmer that products small quantity of vegetables is quite difficult to close an agreement with a super market for example but if we take a lot of farmers with small production is more easy to close the agreement.

17. Partnerships
A team of scientists from different fields work together and create the right conditions for the success of the agricultural enterprise. The main pillar of the company is its staffing with specialized personnel such as: agronomist, IT specialist, economist, lawyer, engineer. To conclude with the knowledge of all members we are a company that can direct exactly the farmer about what the next steps will be and so achieve the maximum possible result.
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