It is a kind of "surveillance service" provided by people in need, those who are homeless and have lost their jobs, and those who, due to various circumstances, have been forced to live on the streets.

These "Surveillance" people would be placed in the outdoor outskirts of the "Subscribed" Companies and would have the function of deterring any malevolent people from committing theft, robbery or crimes of other nature.

I would like to establish an ONLUS (non-profit organization of social utility) that would succeed in conversations with Public Administrations, Caritas, Businesses and Trade Associations in order to grant a second chance to these people.

Subscribers should undertake to pay the ONLUS a symbolic monthly fee, for the use of the platform, to pay the Supervisor a daily meal, and to find a comfortable and safe accommodation in which he or she can sleep (1)

In the event that circumstances permit, the Company could provide the following extra services:

- bathroom/shower
- electrical connection
- Wi-Fi
- storage for personal effects

The Supervisor on the other side will have to provide:

- his or her identification document
- a telephone number
- his or her own biometric data (fingerprints and facial features)

It will not be accepted as eligible:

- those who have a criminal record
- those who use alcohol or drugs
- etc.

Utility for the company:

- more security
- tax savings and lower costs
- more flexibility
- fulfillment of a good action, giving a better future to an individual

Utility for Caritas:

- more vacancies
- more resources to be allocated to other people or new projects
- more people to whom essential services have been guaranteed

Utility for Supervisor:

- a daily meal
- comfortable and safe accommodation in which to sleep
- feels part of the system and useful to the community

Utility for Public Administration:

- fewer gatherings of people bivouacking and sleeping under the porticos of city centers, stations, places of cult, etc.
- greater order and security in historic centers

Homeless people in Italy

The second survey on the condition of people living in extreme poverty was carried out in 2014, following an agreement between Istat, the Ministry of Labor and Social Policy, the Italian Federation of Organizations for the Homeless (fio.PSD) and Caritas Italiana.
An estimated 50,724 homeless people used at least one soup kitchen or night shelter service in November and December 2014 in the 158 Italian municipalities where the survey was conducted. This amount corresponds to 2.43 per thousand of the population regularly registered with the municipalities covered by the survey, an increase from three years earlier, when it was 2.31 per thousand (47.648 people).
The survey revealed that:
About two-thirds of homeless people (68.7 percent) declare that they are registered with the civil registry of an Italian municipality, a value that drops to 48.1 percent among foreign citizens and reaches 97.2 percent among Italians.
The share of homeless people registered in the Northwest regions (38 percent) is quite similar to that estimated in 2011, as are those in the Center (23.7 percent) and the Islands (9.2 percent); in the Northeast, however, there is a decrease (from 19.7 percent to 18 percent), which contrasts with the increase in the South (from 8.7 percent to 11.1 percent) (Table 1).
Compared to 2011, the main characteristics of homeless people are also confirmed: they are mostly men (85.7%), foreigners (58.2%), under the age of 54 (75.8%) - although, as a result of the decrease in foreign under-34s, the average age has slightly increased (from 42.1 to 44.0) - or with low educational qualifications (only one-third attain at least a high school diploma).
The percentage of those living alone (from 72.9 percent to 76.5 percent) increases compared to the past, at the expense of those living with a partner or child (from 8 percent to 6 percent); just over half (51 percent) say they have never married.
The duration of homelessness, compared to 2011, is also longer: those who have been homeless for less than three months decrease, from 28.5 percent to 17.4 percent (those who have been homeless for less than 1 month are halved), while the shares of those who have been homeless for more than two years (from 27.4 percent to 41.1 percent) and those who have been homeless for more than 4 years (from 16 percent rises to 21.4 percent) increase. (2)

Homeless people in Europe

On the streets of European cities there are 700,000 people sleeping on pavements and benches, in doorways, in stations. It is a number that has grown by 70% in the last 10 years. Many factors contribute to this "the most extreme form of social exclusion", as European Commissioner Nicholas Schimdt called it at the recent launch of the "European platform for the homeless". Many measures need to be put in place to tackle the problem: youth policies, income, social housing, social security, labour law and integration. (3)

How to generate revenue:

- European Funding and Grants
- Donations
- Subscriptions
- ecc..

Why choose this project:

Economic and social disparities are issues discussed in the United Nations document, titled "Transforming Our World: 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development," adopted by world leaders as early as September 2015. One of the goals of this document is sustainable development aimed to eradicate poverty and ensure the protection of human rights, ensuring prosperity for all.
Therefore, I hope that my project can be selected, as I strongly wish to collaborate in the realization of a society that has an interest in developing a socially inclusive economy, which can thus ensure dignified work and human rights.


Sustainable Development Goals

1. No Poverty

We will give a second chance.

2. Zero Hunger

We will give a daily meal .

5. Gender Equality

Equal opportunities will be granted to persons of both sexes. Priority will be given to families or parents with minor dependent children.

10. Reduced Inequalities

We will give a voice to disadvantaged and marginalised populations.

11. Sustainable cities and communities

We will offer an opportunity to disadvantaged and marginalised populations, possibly providing them with access to basic services, energy, housing, transport and more.

16. Peace, justice and strong institutions

We will try to create a fairer world for all with the help of institutions at all levels.

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Notice: Undefined variable: post_id in /var/www/vhosts/ on line 293
Web or Mobile Application
Product Type - System
B2B Services
B2C Services
Security and Defense
Human resources management
Citizens' mobility
Belongs to a competition
Thematic Area
Type of need
Collaboration - We want a new member in our team

The company will be non-profit. Those who collaborate will be entitled to reimbursement of expenses, honorable mention, in addition to the respect and gratitude of the people who have helped.

In-kind support - We need sponsorship or material donation

The company will be non-profit. The names of the donors will be published on the website, in the dedicated section, and possibly on the association's social pages.

Mentoring - We need an experienced mentor

The company will be non-profit.

Investors - We need investors to support our idea

The company will be non-profit. The names of the donors will be published on the website, in the dedicated section, and possibly on the association's social pages.

Collaboration - We want help in setting up our business

The company will be non-profit.

Promotion - We want help to promote our idea

The company will be non-profit.

Establishment - We want legal or accounting assistance to set up our business

The company will be non-profit.

Customers - We want help finding customers

The company will be non-profit.

Business Plan

Summary Elements of the Business Plan
Image for Business Plan Elements

General Description of the Company
Image for the Company Description

Need and Purchase.
Image for analysis of business and business idea

Products and Services
Image for Products and Services

Competition analysis
Image for Competition Analysis

Sales strategy
Image for Sales Strategy

Marketing Strategy
Image for Marketing Strategy

Production and development strategy
Image for Production and Development Strategy

Human resources and organization strategy
Image for the Human Resources and Organization Strategy

Financial data

1st year: | 2nd year: | 3rd year: | 4th year: | 5th year:

1st year: | 2nd year: | 3rd year: | 4th year: | 5th year:

1st year: | 2nd year: | 3rd year: | 4th year: | 5th year:

1st year: | 2nd year: | 3rd year: | 4th year: | 5th year:

1st year: | 2nd year: | 3rd year: | 4th year: | 5th year:

1st year: | 2nd year: | 3rd year: | 4th year: | 5th year:

1st year: | 2nd year: | 3rd year: | 4th year: | 5th year:

1st year: | 2nd year: | 3rd year: | 4th year: | 5th year:

1st year: | 2nd year: | 3rd year: | 4th year: | 5th year:

Action Plan
Image for the Action Plan

Image for the Annexes