Phalanx Smart Home Defence System
The safety of one's home has allways been and will allways be a concern which motivates the homeowner to seek ways to diminish the risk of intruders.
Our service is assuring the safety of the homes of our clients. We intend to achive our goal by implementing sensors, cameras, logic gates, security software and response protocols. The smart home security market is increasing in size everyday, in 2018 the world market revenue was 2.14 bilion dollars, managing to increase its revenue in 2022 to 3.27 billion dollars, experts estimate that by 2025 the market will bring in revenue as high as 5 billion dollars. The home defence system will act as the brain of the house. When activated, every digital component will work with one another by giving and reciving information. A house using the entire package will be outfitted with cameras that follow motion, lights that activate when a proximity barrier has been breached, sensors on the windows that detect when glass is broken, smoke sensors to alarm the fire department in case of a fire breaking out, automated sprinklers on the ceiling to put out the fire. All of the locks in the house will be digital and can be locked or unlocked remotely. The center of the entire system will be AND, OR and NO logic gates. With the information they recive from every digital component of the system they are able to decide the appropriate response. The responses include: contacting the poilice department, contacting the fire department, false alarm(information from two different sensors not matching up) and contacting the homeowner. The system is capable of multiple responses at the same time. The technology used and its set up will be provided by Phalanx Smart Home Defence System, however we will not be manufacturing the parts, the parts will be acquired thorugh partnership with technology companies. The estimated requirment for each city that Phalanx is stationed is a team of 5 employees, a company transport vehicle and modest headquarters where calls and appointments can be aranged. Phalanx will not be providing security personel so the security system will not contact us, only the police or fire department. My experience in this field are my academic studies in digital components like logic gates,sensors and microcontrolers. The buisness will be consumer based and all its revenue will be made from it. The target economic class are the middle and high class, with a monthly subscription fee depending on the number of services they consume. A client is able to choose how much of our security services and equipment they will partake in, the estimated average monthly subscription from a home is around 25 US dollars.It is reported that 53% of break-ins occur during the day and 47% occur at night. Break-ins are 6% more likely to occur between 6am and 6pm while most are out of the house and are most are unabled to be solved due to lack of evidence and witneses. Burglars that were caught by police admit that they look for signes of a defence system before atempting to break in.The Phalanx Smart Home Defence System solves theese problems by providing deterrent signs, and all the tools need to scare away and identify a burglar, keeping your home, family and possesions safe.
Our service is assuring the safety of the homes of our clients. We intend to achive our goal by implementing sensors, cameras, logic gates, security software and response protocols. The smart home security market is increasing in size everyday, in 2018 the world market revenue was 2.14 bilion dollars, managing to increase its revenue in 2022 to 3.27 billion dollars, experts estimate that by 2025 the market will bring in revenue as high as 5 billion dollars. The home defence system will act as the brain of the house. When activated, every digital component will work with one another by giving and reciving information. A house using the entire package will be outfitted with cameras that follow motion, lights that activate when a proximity barrier has been breached, sensors on the windows that detect when glass is broken, smoke sensors to alarm the fire department in case of a fire breaking out, automated sprinklers on the ceiling to put out the fire. All of the locks in the house will be digital and can be locked or unlocked remotely. The center of the entire system will be AND, OR and NO logic gates. With the information they recive from every digital component of the system they are able to decide the appropriate response. The responses include: contacting the poilice department, contacting the fire department, false alarm(information from two different sensors not matching up) and contacting the homeowner. The system is capable of multiple responses at the same time. The technology used and its set up will be provided by Phalanx Smart Home Defence System, however we will not be manufacturing the parts, the parts will be acquired thorugh partnership with technology companies. The estimated requirment for each city that Phalanx is stationed is a team of 5 employees, a company transport vehicle and modest headquarters where calls and appointments can be aranged. Phalanx will not be providing security personel so the security system will not contact us, only the police or fire department. My experience in this field are my academic studies in digital components like logic gates,sensors and microcontrolers. The buisness will be consumer based and all its revenue will be made from it. The target economic class are the middle and high class, with a monthly subscription fee depending on the number of services they consume. A client is able to choose how much of our security services and equipment they will partake in, the estimated average monthly subscription from a home is around 25 US dollars.It is reported that 53% of break-ins occur during the day and 47% occur at night. Break-ins are 6% more likely to occur between 6am and 6pm while most are out of the house and are most are unabled to be solved due to lack of evidence and witneses. Burglars that were caught by police admit that they look for signes of a defence system before atempting to break in.The Phalanx Smart Home Defence System solves theese problems by providing deterrent signs, and all the tools need to scare away and identify a burglar, keeping your home, family and possesions safe.
Sustainable Development Goals

3. Good Health And Well-Being
The prime goal of Phalanx Smart Home Defence System is keeping home's and families safe from outside intrusions.

11. Sustainable cities and communities
Big cities are very important for a country's economic and cultural growth. However most crime comited is found in big cities, which can discourage peopple from moving to a big city. With our services they can rest easy knowing that inturders will be reluctant to burglar a secured home.
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Security and Defense
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