Green Energy Mali

More than 1620 tons of waste are produced in Bamako which causes pollution and global warming.
65% of the Malian population do not have access to clean electricity.
Millions of women fall ill every year because of the smoke of our artisanal stoves.
To solve all these problems Green Energy has invented a stove and gas cooker heat convertor that converts heat into electricity capable of powering light bulbs, charging mobiles and allowing clean cooking, 4 times faster than our traditional stoves , ecological, digital compatible with IOT and very economical. On the other hand we produce biomass pellets and green charcoal to feed its stoves. For the moment we are on the local market with 3 customer segments and we will be on the sub regional market in 2023.
Green energy makes money while respecting the environment and nature with the sale of our stoves at $50 and our biofuels at $1/kg evry where africa and europe. We have 2 payment methods: subscription and cash. Green energy have a dynamic team composed of myself Abdoulaye Souare engineer in renewable energy, Moriba Camara electrical engineer and Fatoumata Toure master in environment. Our impacts are the promotion of the clean cooking in Africa to save 1.1 million life without smoke, nor gas but also faster, The preservation of the environment and the nature while fighting against the deforestation. The action for the climate by limiting the emission of greenhouse gases. Access to sustainable energy for off-grid households. For the implementation of this project we need 100000$ of which we have 20000$ through the competitions we have won: Orange social entrepreneurship program prize, Orange international grand prize, Belgian agency for development prize.
Sustainable Development Goals

1. No Poverty
Access to clean energy will allow the housholds to reduce their energy expensive and save 1.1 million providing to them clean cooking.

2. Zero Hunger
most of the African population suffers from food and hunger problems due to the lack of affordable cooking of food in the household, and the lack of resources to feed themselves with the reduction in the cost of green fuel and electricity allowing families to live in better conditions.

3. Good Health And Well-Being
Millions of women suffer from health problems caused by the smoke given off by traditional stoves and the non-conversion of heat we fight against this with our stoves there is no smoke or heat and allows households to cook clean and be healthy, protect against the effects.

4. Quality Education
with the use of cheaper green fuels and very savings will allow families to save more up to $300 and invest in the education of their children to get quality education in the future.

7. Affordable and clean energy
access to energy and at an affordable cost is a major problem in africa more than 65% of the population do not have clean energy especially in areas with our stoves it is possible to consume clean and free energy for better community development.

13. Climate Action
We fight against climate change while recovering the heat dumped in nature and we convert this heat into clean electricity with our stoves, ovens, but also we produce the pellet from biomass waste (straw, cotton stalk... ) and green charcoal from urban waste that helps stop deforestation, saves the environment and reduces greenhouse gas emissions.
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