Executive summary
- Taking into account the fact that many people neglect their pets when it comes to grooming and do not comb their hair so often, it was concluded that it is time to establish such a company. Therefore this company not only resolves that problem but it takes that problem and convert it in a product. With well-selected employees with appropriate knowledge and skills in the field, as well as a location around which the best friends of man can meet most often, a business that turns a pet's fur into a souvenir, glove scarf, sweater, and more is established.
Business description
- The form of business will be an LLC headed by three owners who will perform the role of pet groomers. Obviously, the main activity will be collecting fur, but there is a chance to include products for sale (dog made yarn, sweaters…). Due to the rare businesses of this type, it was decided to establish a brand new business, which will offer care for the pet and by doing so we will not only help the owner with the pet grooming we will make a product that will remain as a memory for his most beloved pet.
Products and services
-The service will be intended for all those who want such a product or in general would like to bring their dog to be combed so that we can get his fur and convert it into yarn. Of course these services are charged. What makes this service different from others is that your dog will be handled professionally. But not only that, such a product that will be made from dog fur is a uniqueness and is highly valued and can be converted into anything, and for many people it is the only memory left by their pet. And of course because the winters in the Balkans are very cold part of the fur that people will donate will be used to make clothes that will be donated.
Market description
- As stated, consumers would be local families, which are also the target group. It is planned to have a shop/salon where pets can be groomed, which will also be able to advertise the service to passers-by.
- There is not much competition in the market. There are no companies that can appear as competitors which can be a problem but also an advantage because no such products have been found so far. By holding workshops that will enrich the knowledge of the owners, we will attract more attention. Of course our products made of dog spindle can also be sold in local stores
Production and distribution
- The service consists of grooming and caring for pets.
Management team
- The management team consists of 3 members who are also owners. This team can change in the future, ie. to increase or decrease.
Risks and opportunities
- All risks are calculated properly, of which the worst case scenario would be a lost pet. However, the continuous improvement of the employees' knowledge will be considered as an opportunity.

Sustainable Development Goals

1. No Poverty

Because one of the goals of the company is to help people who can not afford clothes or need pillowcases, quilts and much more this fiber will warm and fulfill part of their needs.

12. Responsible Consumption and production

Very few people are aware of the fact that landfills with fast fashion are accumulating in the world. In order to reduce this through moderate production such small businesses are needed.

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Business Plan

Summary Elements of the Business Plan
Image for Business Plan Elements

General Description of the Company
Image for the Company Description

Need and Purchase.
Image for analysis of business and business idea

Products and Services
Image for Products and Services

Competition analysis
Image for Competition Analysis

Sales strategy
Image for Sales Strategy

Marketing Strategy
Image for Marketing Strategy

Production and development strategy
Image for Production and Development Strategy

Human resources and organization strategy
Image for the Human Resources and Organization Strategy

Financial data

1st year: | 2nd year: | 3rd year: | 4th year: | 5th year:

1st year: | 2nd year: | 3rd year: | 4th year: | 5th year:

1st year: | 2nd year: | 3rd year: | 4th year: | 5th year:

1st year: | 2nd year: | 3rd year: | 4th year: | 5th year:

1st year: | 2nd year: | 3rd year: | 4th year: | 5th year:

1st year: | 2nd year: | 3rd year: | 4th year: | 5th year:

1st year: | 2nd year: | 3rd year: | 4th year: | 5th year:

1st year: | 2nd year: | 3rd year: | 4th year: | 5th year:

1st year: | 2nd year: | 3rd year: | 4th year: | 5th year:

Action Plan
Image for the Action Plan

Image for the Annexes