Dora electrical charger

My business idea is to install electric chargers near gas stations, which will be used to charge electric cars, bicycles, scooters and engines. There should be a panel next to each charger, which with the help of sunlight will produce electrity and store it in a battery. The charger will be powered by electricity stored by the baterry. I think that such a charger is ideal and necessary, because it will use solar energy (renewable energy) and will not harm the environment, it is also needed because mass production and use of electric vehicles has already begun. For now, I would start the business only in North Macedonia. This business is a business service for customers, so the earnings would be in such a way that each customer will have the option to choose what vehicle to charge and for how much money, where the payment will be electronic. The uniqueness of this business is that it is something new in North Macedonia.

Sustainable Development Goals

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Innovative Network Application
Innovative Software
Robotics/ Autonomous Systems
Web or Mobile Application
Product Type - System
B2C Services
Environment & Energy
Belongs to a competition
Thematic Area
Type of need
In-kind support - We need sponsorship or material donation
