BK Metal workshop

Idea Summary
BK Metal Workshop is wielding and fabrication business that is engaged in service involving scraping, milling, grinding, welding and material protection that will suit and satisfy the diverse designs and concepts of the customer. We at BK Metal Workshop are very much dedicated to providing the highest quality workmanship, reaching the agreed delivery dates, and actualizing the custom work exactly in accordance with the customer’s concept and astonishing designs.
Our focus at BK Metal Workshop is to find out who our future target clients are and understand our marketing strategy, and to expand our operations and marketing so it can substantially increase profitability while also serving North Macedonia. BK Metal workshop will be established in Probishtip, North Macedonia.
We at BK Metal Workshop plan to manufacture and sell various quality metal parts and also perform other welding and fabrication services. We at BK Metal Workshop plan to gain our market share in the following target markets mainly in North Macedonia, but in coopertion with other metal selling companies my vision is to sell my products beyond the borders of North Macedonia.

This ever blooming industry seems to be growing the fastest with recent years showing maximum growth.
This industry has many segments and each segment of the industry and each welding process have its own growth patterns noted after accurate research. It’s important to note that Welding is now the universally accepted method of permanently joining all metals. The wielding industry is considered a mature industry but it is still a growing industry from different perspectives.
The true impact of welding on the metalworking industry should be measured in the value of the parts produced by welding, the amount of money saved by the use of welding over other metal fabrication processes, and in the value of products made possible by welding.
Facts on ground has gone a long way to show the growth of the welding equipment and materials industry, which also serves as an indication of the projected growth for the future.

Our Mission and Vision Statement
• Our vision is to become the recognized local leader in our targeted market for all wielding and fabrication activities.
• Our mission is to build the best quality product, supply over the top service at installation, and provide exceptional customer service after the sale of the product.

• Outstanding reputation.
• Quality – we at SW will guarantee all of our work, using the highest quality materials available and the most experienced fabricator available.
• Customer Care – we at SW will go extra time to make sure the customer is satisfied with the service provided.

• Our weaknesses at SW come from the lack of funding to grow the business. Grant money will be used to purchase equipment, company expansion, create website, advertise, and hire an employee.

• Growing market with a significant percentage of our target market still not knowing we exist.
• Strategic alliances offering sources for referrals and joint marketing activities to extend our reach.
• Increasing sales opportunities beyond our area.

• The only obstacle to our success would be further downswings in the economy of the world.

Sustainable Development Goals

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Product Type - System
B2B Services
B2C Services
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