Airplane Safety Capsule parachute

My idea is to innovate a safety system that will help to the passengers in airplane accident .So the main aim of this concept is to design and fabricate an escape mechanism is to create a capsule inside a
fuselage and show the effective escape mechanism of these capsules which enables the passengers to rescue
from the aircraft easily in case of an emergency like fire explosion or engine failure or during some other catastrophes. This
can be installed in the aircraft and these capsules can be sent out by an opening at the rear end of the fuselage. If installed
will ensure passengers safety in case of emergency like bird strike attack or engine failure or other accident in aircraft. It is
involves the making of a cost effective model inside the aircraft analyze them and produce a working model of the same.
We can save people lives by ejecting the capsules out of the aircraft.
The passengers safety is the most import ants to the avionics
So many of the aerospace
industries is to research in passenger safety process like boing, airbus companies etc… the aircraft cabin is convenient
to design safety of the passenger. In this journal we discuss
about the modification of passenger cabin capsule of the aircraft. So We can save the people life by ejecting the capsules
out of the aircraft.
In case if there are failures occurs
Engine failure.In a multi-engine aircraft, failure of a single engine or damage
of an engine, if there is no sudden landing is possible due to
engine failure and result in the aircraft crashing. The only way
to recover with a minimum loss of altitude, is to lower the
One possible cause of fires in airplanes are wiring problems
that involve intermittent faults, such as wires with breached
insulation touching each other, having water dripping on
them, or short circuits. These are difficult to detect once the
plane is on the ground.
The highest risk of the bird strike is during the takeoff and
landing, in low altitudes, which is in the vicinity of the airports. Some airports use active countermeasures, ranging
from a person with a shotgun through recorded sounds of
predators to employing falconers. Poisonous grass can be
planted that is not palatable to birds, nor to insects that attract insectivorous birds. Passive countermeasures involve
sensible land-use management, avoiding conditions attracting flocks of birds to the area (e.g. landfills). Another tactic
found effective is to let the grass at the airfield grow taller as some species of birds
won’t land if they cannot see one another.
The old concepts is using to now a day to day life style of the is used to single straight passenger cabin model
of the airplane.
This is the new concept in the world of aviation is oriented
throughout the development of design which where used to
reduce aviation disaster.Each capsule is indepented and specialized, made from light
weight disaster material.The moving belt is placed laterally on the flow of the fuselage.Once the accident along has been actuated a hatch will be
open in the rear part of the aircraft, at this time the capsule
will be ejected through this hatch and separate’s the capsule
from the plane.Once ejected, parachute and flotation mechanism will be
automatically works. Each capsule will opens its parachute,
slowing down its decent to a safe speed.
Capsule is based on the following three stages mechanisms
• Transport belt mechanism,
• Parachute mechanism,
• Flotation mechanism
The materials are used to high strength of weight ratio, high
heat resistance material, corrosion resistance. Then the material is flexible withstand in sea and landscape areas. So we
can used bellow materials to construct the cabin.
• Titanium
• Aluminium
Besides that using GPS is one of the most important things in this situation .The GPS equipment should be
attached the each capsule .The signal transmitting the satellite then the receiver should be indicated the accurate point
of the easily bring out the capsule in any types of
flexible air vehicles or sea transportation.

Sustainable Development Goals

4. Quality Education

Major thing here is to have quality eduacation . This is this most imprtant thing as this idea if for the good to the people

9. Industry , innovation and infrastructure

This industry need to grow.So we decided to do something like this .

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