
B-Chaise is a start-up, which has been developed from people who have no specific experience in this field, and it takes action in the island of Mykonos. That's because the specific island is one of the most popular tοurist destinations of our country. This company will offer services to businesses and to tοurists. Its about a website through which people can be informed in real time about all the free chaises in the beaches of the island and book whichever they want to fast and easy. As they will be able to see the area where beach chaises are and choose them according to the location of the sun. This process saves their time and relieves them from any inconvenience may occur. That's because we will be the mediator between the users and the business. What about thοse who are not there in time? They will be refunded with half the amount and the chaise will be available for the next customer who is interested in. As for our revenues they will be originated from the monthly subscription of businesses which are assigned in our website and from customer’s supplies. The payment will be carried out online during the booking of the chaise, in order to avoid unwanted insidents.

Sustainable Development Goals

8. Decent Work and economic growth

During the summer season, the region appeals many tourists. The use of our website increases the econimic growth of the place, as it contributes to the increasion of the traffic in the beach-bars,cafe and hotels of the island.

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Cloud Computing
Visualization Technologies
Web or Mobile Application
Product Type - System
B2B Services
B2C Services
Advertising and marketing
Belongs to a competition
Prometheus International Startup Competition 2022
Thematic Area
Circular Economy
Category A - Students of a European University