Narvana Imaging
In developing countries such as Kenya, the rural communities have limited access to diagnostic centers. Besides the unavailability of ultrasound and other diagnostic facilities, misconceptions, fears and poverty have further limited access to medical care. As a result of these, people in the rural areas get wrong diagnosis or blind treatments and also leads to increase in featal mortality rate. My idea will ensure people in the rural parts of Kenya are educated on diagnostic imaging techniques to cub the fears and misconceptions. The people in the rural areas will also get accurate diagnosis and reduce significantly featal mortality rate.
Provision of health-care services, and safeguarding the well-being of the population is recognized in the sustainable development goals (SDGs) as crucial in ensuring the continued development of a country. Diagnostic imaging forms a key component in modern health care, playing a vital role in the diagnosis and prognostication of disease as well as in monitoring response to treatment. The number of radiological examinations performed has increased over the past few years in Kenya. Kenya has a limited number of radiologists and many healthcare facilities lack basic imaging modalities such as ultrasound leading to delayed diagnoses and potentially increased morbidity and mortality. In addition, medical imaging is crucial in a variety of medical settings and at all major levels of health care. The use of diagnostic imaging services is essential in confirming, assessing and documenting the course of many diseases and response to treatment.
The business will earn its revenue from the service fees paid by the patients. The business will also seek partnerships with other organizations and the local governments to boost the revenue. The business will employ Artificial Intelligence to aid in fast reporting of images and this efficiency will lead to constant flow of patients and hence high revenue.
I am a Radiography and Imaging student in the Kenya Medical Training College and Ultrasound is one of my areas of study. To add on that, I have had a training as part of classwork in Health Systems Management. I therefore believe that I can comfortably run the business.
The unique features that my business has include educating the communities in rural areas to cub the misconceptions and fears that they have towards medical imaging. I will also conduct outreach services to reach many more people in the rural areas. I will have portable devices that will be used in areas where there is lack of electricity. For efficiency I will majorly use Artificial Intelligence following the scarcity of radiologists in Kenya. Artificial Intelligence (AI) excels at automatically recognizing complex patterns and providing quantitative assessment for imaging data, showing high potential to assist physicians in acquiring more accurate and reproducible results. As cross-sectional imaging, ultrasound (US) is well suitable for AI technology to standardize imaging protocols and improve diagnostic accuracy. My business will also have a mobile application, website and USSD service for booking, follow up and also educating the society.
Sustainable Development Goals

3. Good Health And Well-Being
Provision of health-care services, and safeguarding the well-being of the population is recognized in the sustainable development goals (SDGs) as crucial in ensuring the continued development of a country. Diagnostic imaging forms a key component in modern health care, playing a vital role in the diagnosis and prognostication of disease as well as in monitoring response to treatment. The number of radiological examinations performed has increased over the past few years in Kenya. Kenya has a limited number of radiologists and many healthcare facilities lack basic imaging modalities such as ultrasound leading to delayed diagnoses and potentially increased morbidity and mortality. In addition, medical imaging is crucial in a variety of medical settings and at all major levels of health care. The use of diagnostic imaging services is essential in confirming, assessing and documenting the course of many diseases and response to treatment. This will substantially reduce the number of deaths and illnesses from hazardous chemicals and air, water and soil pollution and contamination

4. Quality Education
The public health educational impact of community-based ultrasound (US) can form an important part of the development about the awareness of the importance of the imaging modality. Live demonstrations of an ultrasound examination will offer an exciting opportunity for community participants to witness the joint discussion among diverse members and the process of improving an examination in real time through interactive communication among the members and the community. As the whole examination will be presented for what it is, every participant will find his or her own viewpoint; thus, all of the many participants will effectively enjoy significant benefit from the demonstration. Additionally, the entertainment element is one of the characteristics of live demonstrations, getting both the participants and live team members excited. As a result, the communities in the rural areas will n =o longer have the bad misconceptions and fears of ultrasound and will know what it really is. This will ensure that all the people in rural areas acquire the knowledge and skills needed to promote sustainable development, including, among others, through education for sustainable development and sustainable lifestyles, human rights, gender equality, promotion of a culture of peace and non-violence, global citizenship and appreciation of cultural diversity and of culture’s contribution to sustainable development

17. Partnerships
Stronger partnerships with other organizations will contribute to environmental protection and sustainable development by mobilizing resources, sharing knowledge, promoting the creation and transfer of environmentally sound technologies, and building capacity. Increasing support to developing countries, in particular the least developed countries, landlocked developing countries and small island developing States, is fundamental to equitable progress for all.
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