Take -Market-ecommerce,no waste time.

Take- market.
My main idea is to offer customers a quick and secure purchase by spending minimal time, with the most favorable price on the Balkan market by comparing all stores in that region and at the same time assisting customers by clearly displaying product ingredients.
In the 21st century, almost all people have dynamic living conditions and long working hours that make the quality of life very difficult, cutting the time spent with the family, the time needed for rest and other activities needed for good physical and mental health. Therefore, we will make life easier by offering our website to have all their needs through one click.
This website is based on comparing all market prices, highlighting the lowest price in the region where customers live. Also on this website customers will be able to buy the selected product while seeing its quality. For example, if you want to buy any shampoo, we will be able to see not only the cheapest price in the region in which you live but also its ingredients (example: whether it is carcinogenic or causing allergic reactions, etc.).
Our first priority is to make the market transparent and clean the region from harmful products.
The first step in our company will be comparing the food that is used daily. Our main idea is to offer customers to choose the best products, but to get to this step, we will use the economic and financial crisis by comparing and offering the best price and additional bonuses for every purchase of an eco-product on the website ( for example: free delivery, discount on the next order and etc.). Our company will only be located in one office and 10 to 30 shift workers will work with companies with annual bonuses.
The second step will be a bigger step in our company by getting all the market products that exist in our region and increase our team with professional workers from 30 to 100. We will also have practitioners from universities who will be payed a minimum wage and we will be choosing the best students to whom we will help in their studies and internships. This step will not only be a growing company but ideas will also be a huge step for the new generation to motivate them for new ideas in the future.
The last step will be to offer our region products that are not yet in our region and invest in eco -products and products without GMOs.
How are we going to find investors?
Today's investors are willing to pay a premium for companies that can demonstrate strong environmental, social and management powers. Companies that can show a clear goal over companies that are driven solely by short-term profits prove their worth not only to society but also to their shareholders.
How will our company contribute to saving our planet and making it a better place for future generations? This will be achieved through the great development of our company, so that many of the harmful and toxic products that we bring into our body (such as food and polluted air and water due to devices that emit toxic gases into the air and water) will be voluntarily removed by the buyers themselves, and for some of them (devices that do not endanger the environment) will be at more favorable prices through investors who care about the environment.

Sustainable Development Goals

9. Industry , innovation and infrastructure

Our company will help our Planet by making a better quiality food, air and water. Also it will save energy by making the shops online.

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