
Grocery shopping can sometimes take up quite abit of time out of someones day and sometimes you might end up forgetting something that you needed and remembering it right when you get home. MyGroceries is an app that would allow the user to order groceries and have them delivered to their door.This app can also be used as a way to gift or order someone else groceries like for example a son ordering groceries for his elderly parents a nephew and so on.With people being able to order their groceries online it would help incentivise them to eat fresher and healthier with removing the process of them having to go out and buy the groceries themself. The idea for this app is to start services around Macedonia and then gradualy expand around the peninsula and then towards the continent.The app would generate revenue off of orders charging abit extra for the services of having someone shop the groceries for you and deliver them to your home.I belive the app will have alot of growth in the bigger cities due to it being unique in the region and never used before.

Sustainable Development Goals

3. Good Health And Well-Being

The app would be encouraging people to eat fresher and healthier with providing them with fresh groceries from an online order throught their phones.

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Web or Mobile Application
Product Type - System
B2C Products
Retail and Wholesale
Belongs to a competition
Thematic Area