PSAT-Microchip watch company

We will produce a microchip wristwatch, all in order to track our pets. Once the chip is inserted into the pet, its location can be tracked at any time via a specialized wristwatch. We do all this in order to reduce the number of street animals and to raise the awareness of people who own pets to be aware and responsible for pets. Our main goal is to ensure greater safety of pets. At the beginning, our goal is to expand to the regional market and by opening more stores in other neighboring cities, then to double the number of consumers in the second six months of this year. We will achieve that by constantly improving the service and promotional activities and finally finish the first year without loss, ie to make a profit due to our operations which will be taken care of to be economical, productive and profitable. Therefore, the target market in the beginning would be the domestic market, is the market within the borders of our country. The income in the company will be primarily from the sale of our product.

Sustainable Development Goals

12. Responsible Consumption and production

Although the main purpose of our product is not to ensure the safety of pets, yet another important purpose is not to call our customers. By using our device, our customers will be able to check their pet at any time and at the same time they will improve the life of less than their pets.

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Product Type - System
B2C Products
Other - specify
Safety of their pets-monitoring technology
Belongs to a competition
Thematic Area
Type of need
Customers - We want help finding customers

In-kind support - We need sponsorship or material donation

If they become our sponsor, then they become part of our team and participate in the distribution of profits.