Recycled tires as an alternative source of power
We live in an era filled with many challenges that negatively affect nature, the
environment and human life. Due to the rapid technological development, the planet earth
today, more than ever in the past, faces dangers that can seriously endanger or change the way
of life of humans, flora and fauna. Another problem facing modern societies today is the energy
crisis that affects even the most developed countries in the world. Lack of energy and
conventional fuels (oil, coal) as well as underdeveloped infrastructure for green energy
production (solar systems, wind farms) is a sufficient incentive to resort to finding alternative
energy sources that can significantly reduce the negative consequences caused by the energy
crisis. The energy crisis is pulling a chain of many problems that can arise in other areas of
people's lives, such as inflation, poverty, social unrest, hunger and so on.
In such conditions of real and visible dangers for the environment and dangers from the
energy crisis, the thinking is imposed to offer solutions that will contribute to the improvement
of the situation in these two key social areas. Consequently, the business idea that will be
presented below is essentially based on respecting the principles of environmental protection
through the implementation of a project for the recycling of one of the most hazardous waste
materials: car tires, which provides an alternative energy source that can replace conventional
fuels. This alternative fuel can be used in cement factories, which is already used in some
factories around the world, but it is still insufficient in the region where we live and that is why this idea should be developed and applied as much as possible in this area.
Ecological aspects
Used car tires, those car tires that are depreciated, worn and old can pose a danger to
human health and a clean environment because they are waste that is difficult to decompose
and that emits a significant amount of toxic and harmful substances during combustion. Huge amounts of used car tires (approximately one billion) end up in landfills and waste annually.
In the United States alone, approximately 285 million waste tires are generated annually.
In many countries there are strict regulations restricting the amount of waste tires that
can be stored in landfills due to the dangers of leaving them untreated, the risk of fire and the possibility of creating an environment conducive to mosquito breeding. In the past, millions of tires ended up as waste in the open fields.
Due to their shape, waste tires retain water, as well as heat, which makes them suitable
for mosquito breeding. The harmful effects on human health that can be caused by mosquitoes
are well known - transmission of infectious diseases. Fire hazards are also high because tires are
highly flammable, and fires that burn tires can last for months because water cannot fully
penetrate the tires due to their shape and material composition. When burning, the tires melt
and release hydrocarbons and other harmful substances into the ground or water. Burning tires
releases black smoke which causes extreme air pollution. Tires are also a major source of
microplastic pollution.
The tires can be recycled and used as recycled material in various ways, the most
common of which is their use in melted asphalt and for making rubber pads for open children's
playgrounds. However, recycled tires can also be used as an aggregate, as an alternative fuel in
cement plants. In this type of heavy industry, such as the cement industry, there is strict
legislation regarding the protection of the environment, because in such factories is released
cement dust, which if not suppressed, can pollute the environment. At the same time, the
cement factories that have adapted their way of working to use alternative fuels, such as the fuel that can be obtained from burning tires, are obliged to implement appropriate protection marks and to install appropriate filters that would prevent the release of harmful substances into the air. Exactly such factories for production of cement would be the end users (customers)
who would use the alternative fuel from waste tires.
Description of the business idea
The basic structure of the business idea for creating an alternative fuel from waste tires
consists of several stages.
I. The first phase includes the creation of technical conditions for the realization of
the business idea such as:
Development of a business plan and program;
Providing adequate funding;
Providing appropriate permits and approvals from the competent institutions
for starting work;
Selection of location and appropriate space where the realization of the
project will take place;
Forming a work team (associates / employees);
Procurement of necessary means for work and appropriate equipment;
* The list is not final and can be expanded and upgraded as needed.
II. The second phase includes methods for collecting waste tires from all users who
are interested in disposing of this type of waste. This phase would be realized
through the following steps:
Establishing contact with all interested parties (individuals or legal entities)
who own and intend to dispose of car tire waste;
The initial contact with all interested parties can be realized by creating an
application where the necessary data related to the location where the
waste should be collected, the quantity, date and time of collection could be
In addition to the application, the contact with the interested parties will be
realized with the help of all types of electronic communication and social
media that are widespread in today's conditions (website, Facebook,
Instagram, etc.);
It is important to note that legal entities and individuals who dispose of their
waste tires will not have any costs associated with this activity and at the
same time can easily and quickly get rid of their waste, which would have a
stimulating effect and increase the number stakeholders;
The total cost of transporting the waste tires would be at the expense of the
creator of this business idea and his/her obligation would be to pick up the
waste from the location that will be specified by the one who dumps the
III. The third phase covers transport and consists of the following steps:
Collection of waste tires from the specified location;
The transport will be done with a special truck - shredder where the tires
start to be processed immediately after their loading. This means that during
the phase of transport the tires are processed, ie. cut and chop into smaller
pieces. This speeds up the technological process of their processing and in
fact at the moment when they arrive at the assembly site the tires are
already shredded and their further processing is simpler and faster;
The use of a shredder for transport also has advantages in terms of reducing
transport costs because if the tires were transported in their normal shape,
they have a large volume, so many more trucks would be needed to
transport the same amount of tires;
The shredder as a means of transport is a larger initial investment that is
worthwhile in the long run because its use saves on the number of tours,
fuel, labor, time and so on.
IV. The fourth phase consists of the following sub-phases:
Unloading of shredded tires from the shredder;
Further decomposition of shredded tires into their basic components. This
procedure will be performed with the help of a Magnetic separator conveyor
belt which separates the metal parts (wires) from the tires;
The shredded and metal-cleaned rubber material is packed in mega sacks.
V. The fifth phase includes:
Communication with end users / customers who are interested in purchasing
rubber material and using it as an alternative fuel;
Transport to final destinations in the country and abroad.
Global warming, deforestation and pollution are just some of the dangers for which
humans must find appropriate solutions. The energy crisis we are facing can generate crisis
situations in all other areas of human life. If each individual made at least a small contribution
to solving a small segment of one of these problems, then the result globally would be
In line with these considerations, the idea of using an alternative fuel from recycled car
tires that can be used in heavy industry is developed, actually in cement factories.
But this idea
can be developed much more and find wide application in other industrial areas, public
buildings, schools, hospitals and even among individual users. Thus, this business idea, which currently has a real and practical application in cement plants, may in the future grow into research whose end result would be the mass use of recycled tires as an alternative fuel to as many users as possible.
Sustainable Development Goals

3. Good Health And Well-Being
Old tires can cause a lot of environmental and climate problem’s such as toxic decomposition and toxic gases' which can be dangerous to humans and animals.

6. Clean Water And Sanitation
A lot of waste tires can be found in oceans, rivers, and ponds. This can lead to hazardous waste in the water which causes a lot of problems for smaller cities or villages which do not have water purification facilities.

7. Affordable and clean energy
Using old tires as fuel is much more affordable than using fossil fuels, especially in today's economy and market. The process for making fuel from tires is also more effective than creating fossil fuels.

11. Sustainable cities and communities
With our process for creating fuel not only do we clean up waste from the cities and communities, but we also produce energy for them .

13. Climate Action
Cleaning up all the tire waste gives us a chance to use them for something useful instead of burning them and causing them to emit toxic fumes which can damage the environment .

14. Life Below Water
Tires which end up in the water bodies with life in them make it so that the living organisms have a lot of difficulty's existing and surviving because of the toxic waste .

15. Life on Land
Tires are everywhere around us sitting as waste which is harmefull to the environment. We can fix this problem by reusing them for something usefull .
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